There are 5,000 multiple choice questions in this section. Practice questions are organized into blocks of subject & discipline. Each block consist of 23 multiple choice questions Each exam can be timed or untimed. You can purchase a single exam or a package. A single exam has 23 questions; and a package has all 5000 questions. These question will have a detailed explanation in text and video format..
Products | Cost | Subscription | Questions |
Single Exam | $5 | 1day(24hrs) | 23 |
Package 1 | $120 | 30days | 5000 |
Package 2 | $120 | 90days | 5000 |
Package 3 | $380 | 150 days | 5000 |
Exam Questions are designed to test a students readiness for USMLE exam. If you have completed your study and preparations and are ready to take the USMLE exam then you should choose from this category.
There are total of 2,300 questions in this section organized into 50 blocks; where each block consist of 46 multiple choice questions. The blocks are a real time USMLE simulations Each block is timed and it is one-time access. Once you start the block then you must finish it within 60 minutes, if your time runs out you will no longer have access.
Exam Questions are true predictive of actual USMLE performance Upon completion you will get a Score Report with assessment score and approximate USMLE 2-digit and 3-digit scores; and a detailed analysis of strength and weakness in difference subjects and systems.
There are total of 2,300 questions in this section organized into 50 blocks; where each block consist of 46 multiple choice questions. The blocks are a real time USMLE simulations Each block is timed and it is one-time access. Once you start the block then you must finish it within 60 minutes, if your time runs out you will no longer have access.
Exam Questions are true predictive of actual USMLE performance Upon completion you will get a Score Report with assessment score and approximate USMLE 2-digit and 3-digit scores; and a detailed analysis of strength and weakness in difference subjects and systems.
Products | Cost | Subscription | Questions |
Exam | $10 | 60 minutes | 46 |
Block | $70 | 8 hours | 322 |